What Foods Are Good For Your Health?
When you cut back on unhealthy foods, it’s important to replace them with healthy alternatives. To lower cholesterol and prevent stomach issues, try replacing animal fat with healthy fats. Fruits also have beneficial effects. Some fruits are high in fiber, adding color and flavor to dishes. Some examples of fruits with fiber include apricots, cherries, peaches, and mangoes. Others include figs, pineapples, and grapes.
To reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses, limit your intake of saturated and trans fats. While most processed food has been labeled as “low-fat”, it can contain them. In addition, look for key words such as brown sugar, corn sweetener, and high-fructose corn syrup. These foods can be high in sugar, which contributes to weight gain. You can also substitute them with a low-fat version.
Choose whole grain bread instead of refined white bread. Instead of refined white bread, whole grain bread is healthier. Similarly, avoid processed foods like sodas, candies, and sweets. While many of these foods are high in calories and fillers, they don’t have much nutritional value. Food labels may also contain misleading claims that can make it difficult to judge a food’s nutritional value. A recent Nielsen survey revealed that 60 percent of consumers misunderstand the nutrition labels on foods. Be sure to read the serving size of a food before purchasing.
Carrots are high in antioxidants. They fight free radicals, which are harmful to our bodies and contribute to chronic diseases. Consuming apples regularly may extend your life and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Garlic, which has a broad range of health-boosting properties, has a protective effect on the immune system. It helps strengthen the immune system and improves eyesight and bone health. Kale is an excellent source of fiber and vitamins.